Matesis work in close cooperation with the client on the initial design of a new vessel. In this stage of the project we work towards the concept according client’s wishes. Design calculations result in preliminary drawings, specifications and plans. In most projects the conceptual design package includes a detailed general arrangement plan, an outline specification, a main frame drawings and a design report. The design report gives the client a summary of the design calculations performed.
The conceptual design can be supported by CFD analysis, towing tank test, structural anaylsis, or any other additional scope that may assist in our project plan. All of the projecet are created in 3D circumtances and our customers can see what they will have at initial stage of the project. Additionally by this way, it is a common practice for us the create 3D artistic impressions.
General arrangement plan
Engine room arrangement plan
Equipment number calculation
Freeboard calculation
Speed & power calculation
Preliminary heating load calculation
Risk evaluation & risk management
3D model of outer ship profile
Technical specification
Seakeeping calculations
Equipment number calculation
Arrangement plan
Midship section plan
Preliminary Electrical Load analysis
Fuel consumption calculation
Preliminary cost calculation
Capacity, stability &longitudinal strength calculation

A contract design follows on from the concept design and gives the customer an adequately detailed basis for a new-building contract with the shipyard to be signed. During this design phase all design calculations are carried out, final design and configuration decisions are made and a smooth building process with an end product delivery that would fulfill precisely the customer’s needs are guaranteed in fact the shipyard can quote a fixed price.
Technical specification
Lines plan
Structural scantling plans
Arrangement plan
Midship section plan
Welding plan
Equipment foundations
Fire safety plan
Insulation plan
Production block plan
Maker List
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
Electrical systems
Propulsion system arrangement
Equipment number calculation
Structural calculation sheets
Access plan
Escape plan
Docking plan
Capacity, stability &longitudinal strength calculation
Heating load calculation
Maneuvering calculations
Speed & power calculation
Light ship weight calculation
Seakeeping calculations
3D Ship model